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Verify that an entity is legally licensed or registered

Verify that an entity is legally licensed or registered

One of the first steps in choosing an investment is to check whether an entity is registered or licensed by a regulatory body such as the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA). If so, that means the entity has met its basic regulatory obligations. To verify if an entity is registered or licensed by CIMA, search here.

CIMA also maintains a list of fraudulent websites, which is updated regularly. This list includes companies that are not licensed nor registered to carry on activities regulated by CIMA and are likely untrustworthy. It has also been revealed that they are not registered with the Cayman Islands Companies Registry.

Please note that an entity being registered or licensed should not be taken as an endorsement by CIMA that you will not lose your investment. Before engaging in business with any entity, do your homework so you feel comfortable with your decisions.